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Upcoming - 2nd Quarter Break

Upcoming - 2nd Quarter Break

by Amber Mackenzie (Phoenix Council) -
Number of replies: 0

Almost Time for a BREAK! 

What does that mean?

Each quarter, the school will take a seasonal break. The school will remain open, and you are free to work on your assignments, submit your work, or catch up on your reading, however, the Phoenix Council, teaching staff, mentors, and club leaders are taking the time off.

  • No grading, sweeps, or other TMCS business will be occurring during the break.
  • Emails will not be attended.
  • No new accounts will be processed during this break.
As a magickal school, we recommend that you take a little time to spend time with the things you love. Disconnect from your devices - reconnect with the world around you - spend time in nature - or a book you read for pleasure, not a paper!

We are thrilled to be able to offer this time off and thank you all for what you bring to the school and our magickal community.

Mark your calendars - June 21st - 28th (Friday to Friday)  Grading Resumes July 1st, 2024.