What Does "Flaming" Mean?

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What Does "Flaming" Mean?

Post by admin » Sun Feb 19, 2017 1:05 pm

The term flaming means that you are "speaking" in a hostile manner to or about another person, place or thing.

This goes a step further than simply disagreeing with a person, this means you are using insulting speech when discussing another person, place, thing or idea.

Please note, we don't expect you to agree with everything the school states or like how we do things. It is fine to disagree with teacher's viewpoints. We encourage you to use the information you learn with us in a way that you feel comfortable. It may not be how your teacher uses it or another student uses it, and that is perfectly fine. Your path, your rules.

We do, however, expect you to treat the people who take their time and energy to offer all the information we do for free, with respect.

Making rude statements and becoming hostile with teachers or other students is grounds for being banned from the school.

We do not put up with hostile students or teachers.

Papers are not to be vehicles to insult other student's work or research. Period. If you do not agree with something that is taught or a paper another student has written and shared, that is fine. Simply do not use it as a source. There is no reason to insult or belittle anyone. It only makes you look bad.

We will simply ban anyone who flames another student or teacher or the school.

We suggest that if something is stated that you don't agree with, simply take a moment and move on. If it is still bothersome to you, do your own research and post your own information so that people can have a chance to see your work and research, but do not attack another student for the research they have done and the conclusions they have made.

There is ZERO tolerance for flaming at the school.

If you have a question or an issue with another student or teacher or the school, talk to us first and we will be happy to work with you. The Facebook and Twitter pages are for announcements, not for airing grievances. The Student Lounge is a place to talk and discuss, but we do not put up with flaming.

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