Basic Forum Rules

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Basic Forum Rules

Post by admin » Sun Feb 19, 2017 1:04 pm

Pretty much this is all common sense:

1. NO FLAMING... now if you are not sure what flaming is, it is this: If someone says something you don't like or agree with, do not be rude about it. Do not make fun of someone due to sex, age, race, ethnicity, lifestyle, political views, or religion! PERIOD. Anyone caught flaming will be removed from the boards immediately. PERIOD.

We do not expect everyone to get along or like everyone or what other people's views are. We can accept that and understand that. There will be people who will just rub you the wrong way, that is part of life. Your job is to simply acknowledge and move on. Step away from your computer and breathe and just ignore the post, move on to the next one.

2. Anything that promotes any form of violence to anyone or anything, you will be removed from the forums. PERIOD.

3. People make typos, do not correct them or make fun of them. That is just plain rude. If you feel the need to edit another person's writing, go get a job as a proof reader (or talk to Laura about helping proof read at the school), but do not do it here. Trust me, it doesn't make you look better by doing it.

4. Spammers will be banned from the site and offensive posts will be removed. We do ask you simply don't respond to them or state they are spam. Yes, we are aware that people posting links to porn or finance sites are spammers, don't play Mr. Obvious. These aren't even real people, they are spam bots, so it isn't like they are going to pay attention to it. Also, we have someone who is our spambot watchperson who contacts us if I miss any. We are removing them as fast as I can, so don't everyone PM us about it.

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